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How do polytunnels work?

How do polytunnels work?

29th Aug 2021

If you are a keen gardener, the chances are that you are going to want to try your hand at growing and caring for as many plant species as possible. However, that isn’t always easy because certain plants thrive better in different conditions and these conditions aren’t always available in your garden.

That’s where a polytunnel comes in. These outdoor structures provide a place for anyone to grow any type of plant they want, without the risk of falling victim to the elements. In this guide, we will be looking at how do polytunnels work and how under cover gardening will add a whole new dimension to your hobby and lifestyle.

What is a polytunnel?

As you may be able to guess from its name, a polytunnel is a tunnel-like structure that is typically made from a frame covered in polythene. The frame is usually formed from a strong material like galvanised steel which is able to withstand the battering it will get from being used outdoors.

The reason that polythene works so well as a cover for your plants is that it causes the interior of the tunnel to heat up. This means that you are able to grow plants and crops that require warmth, even in cooler climates.

Must read article: Polytunnel Buyer's Guide

By creating your own mini microclimate, you provide your plants with the best environment to thrive. What’s more, they are protected from things like heavy rain, snow, wind and other extreme weather. These tunnels are remarkably strong and provided that the arched frame components are placed closely enough together, your polytunnel should easily withstand harsh conditions and they are incredibly resistant to wind.

Is a polytunnel the same as a greenhouse?

A polytunnel and a greenhouse are both designed to do similar jobs; protecting plants from the elements and providing them with a viable place to grow. A polytunnel is a far more cost-effective structure compared to a greenhouse and while the two are similar, they also have many differences.

For example, one of the great things about the polytunnel is that it is much easier to adapt than a greenhouse. Once your greenhouse is erected, it has to stay that way, unless you are willing to fork out a hefty amount to extend or modify it. On the other hand, a polytunnel is a versatile piece of equipment that can be quickly and easily customised.

If you’re working on cost a polytunnel is far greater value for money with a comparable sized greenhouse costing far more. This is why many professional growers looking for large under cover growing spaces are now turning to polytunnels. Glass greenhouses are also much more expensive to repair than a polytunnel where the only expense will be a replacement cover every five to eight years.

How do polytunnels work?

If you have been considering getting a polytunnel then you may have been wondering whether it is worth it. If the financial advantages of using this type of structure weren’t enough then there are some other excellent reasons to consider one.

For starters, a polytunnel will provide you with a safe and protected place to grow your plants without that sometimes-devastating exposure to the weather. If you happen to go away or cannot get out to your plants for some reason, it is possible to set up an irrigation and fertilizer system so the polytunnel will take care of itself for a period of time.

Moreover, if you want to be successful in growing larger, more healthy plants and bountiful crops then there is no better way than a polytunnel. These undercover solutions always produce bigger and better plants than the open garden and so are favoured by people who strive to achieve the best.

Heavy duty polytunnels direct from the manufacturer

Polytunnels are permanent outdoor structures that are designed for undercover gardening. They are similar to a greenhouse but are much less expensive and far more versatile. The primary reason for using a polytunnel is to protect your plants from the elements and to create a warmer microclimate for growing plants that you otherwise would not be able to.

When you choose a polytunnel don’t compromise on quality. The cheap imported products found on some online market places are far inferior to the heavy-duty commercial grade polytunnels that the British climate demands.

The good news is that by buying directly from the manufacturer you get far greater value for money. All our polytunnels are made by us in our Norfolk workshops and their galvanised steel frames will last for decades. These are the same polytunnels we use on our own nursery and are used by professional growers up and down the country. You can see our full range of British made polytunnels here.